Smiling Bikini

Online bikini shop for any devices

marketings marketings
project main image


Smiling Competition Bikini Shop is a website where customer can buy a bikini from collection or order a bikini from multiple designers for a fixed price. The Smiling Bikini offers competition suits from design studios in Europe and United States. Competition suits and bikinis made for different bodybuilding federations and classes what involves different requirements to be considered


  • Branding including logo, marketing material and website
  • Research competitor and the designs
  • Create persona and select the user testing group
  • Make website fast loading within the United States and Europe
  • Customers had problem to find the right type and size of a suit
  • Give clear guidance for the measurements with visualization
  • Responsible design that can look attractive and easy to use at any device
  • logo


    The Logo was made based on the corporate color in both variation: in purple color and inverted with purple background. The logo combined the main product shape and the brand name. As a result the logo remind a smile and matching brand name. The brand motto is clients leave with smile.The logo has simplified style and high contrast to be used as icon and bran identity.


  • Developed consistent and active style that include color scheme, typography, graphic and icons
  • Simplified user experience
  • adding filter to make simpler selection
  • All the measurements are visualized
  • Added cashing and CDN for faster global loading
  • Added indexing to make website easy to find for the customers
  • Making order within one page with two clicks
  • Added Google Analytic to track who are visiting website
  • logo


    I made rebranding, by changing color, style, size and application of visual part. Design logo. During designing stage was developed persona and selected user testing group with the expected audience in mind. Multiple cycles of low- and High-Fidelitydelity wireframes, prototype and as result development of the website, make safe and secure shopping experience. Used CDN and cashing to speed up loading time. (92 of 100 on the website performance tasting) Added Google Analytic to understand where customers mostly come from and how many of them reach the final stage (order or buy)


    The brand get new recognizable face with clear way to make order or buy existing bikinis. Users found Logo is very easy to recognize and memorize and have overall positive impression. Used CDN and cash to speedup 50% the loading time in the United States and European regions. After redefining structure of the website Customers were able to find right type of suit within one click by using grouped tags. Required specific measurements depends on the selection. The measurements were visually presented on the model what gave the clear understanding where and how measure. The design of the website included variety of filters help to to filter result and pick wanted fabric, crystals and bikis shape top and bottom. The website was made adaptive to the size of the screen and able to adapt the card to the screed size or reshafl them with lower number in a row. Overall customer satisfaction resulted in salling growth 40%


    Used Tools



    High-Fidelity Wireframes, Prototypes

    logo logo

    Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator

    Logo and banner

    logo logo


    UI development & UI elements



    Efficient and sophisticated single-page apps

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